Self-Service Laundry


Open Daily

6:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Price Per Wash

$3.75 Light Wash
$4.00 Medium Wash
$6.00 Heavy Wash

Price Per Dry

$2.00 for 30 minutes
+.25 per additional 6 minutes

We are proud to be able to offer our customers very low prices compared to other laundromats in the area. Our business has coin operated machines, card reader machines, an instant refund machine, a coin change machine, large capacity washers and dryers available, and soft water so you can use less soap. We offer a safe and comfortable environment, and are responsive to our customers' concerns.

Card Reader Machines

We now offer card reading machines for your convenience! You can simply swipe a credit card, use the app from your phone, or transfer cash or credit card payments to our loyalty cards. Loyalty cards are available at the laundomat from an attendant. Register and add money to your loyalty card at FASCARD. You can download the mobile app from this link.